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“America may have its problems, but it’s our home. It’s our team. And if you don’t want to root for your team, then get the hell out of the stadium. Go America.”

“Go America.”

“And go Broncos.”

“Yeah, go Broncos.”


— Stan, Kyle and Cartman from South Park.

Maybe not exactly how I feel, but pretty close. So many people out there protesting and never mentioning the good parts of the country we live in. Every time I hang out with them, it’s always one of the issues or another. Never anything about the fact that we’re out past dark, spending money on what we want to, playing pool in a bar…etc. etc. Definitely don’t feel “love it or leave it” but if you’re enjoying certain freedoms, I say it’s your responsibility to acknowledge those freedoms once in a while. We need people protesting things, we need people going against the establishment (and personally, most of the time, I think the establishment does a pretty sucky job of it) but…. If you’re going to protest, the fact that you can protest should be enough for you to see some good here.

And so on….